- Foundation Strategy
Embracing an Ecosystem Approach for Philanthropy
Funders are shifting from being at the center of social change efforts to working in close partnership with the…
- Corporate/CSR
Flying through Interference
We believe that corporate changemakers need tools to properly diagnose interference and build enabling conditions for social impact strategies…
Using Collective Impact in a Public Health Context: Introduction
September 30, 2013In today’s 1st post of our 4-blog series, we introduce seven initiatives that are using elements of collective impact to address childhood obesity and other pu…
Help Us Build the Collective Impact Community (and 8 New Case Studies)
September 25, 2013As the idea of collective impact continues to gain traction, more and more organizations in communities across the country are coming together to develop initi…
The Single Most Powerful Way to Describe Collective Impact
September 16, 2013I recently spoke with the Director of Curriculum and Instruction at a small school district in Ohio that is participating in a collective impact effort focused…
The Future of Healthcare in America
September 5, 2013I was recently on a call with a large national US Health funder who asked us the question, “Where is the field of collective impact in healthcare headed?” This…
Aspen Institute Fund Supports Collective Impact for Opportunity Youth
August 12, 2013Exciting collective impact news!
Collaboration to Transform Indicators into “Markers That Matter”
July 24, 2013I had the recent pleasure of working on FSG’s recently released report Markers that Matter: Success Indicators for Early Learning and Education.
Why Is The U.S. Healthcare System Still Broken & How Do We Start Fixing It?
July 11, 2013Spoiler alert: the U.S. healthcare system is horribly broken. Okay, maybe that doesn’t actually come as much of a shock to anyone who has read a newspaper hea…
Coalition Fatigue and Collective Impact
July 1, 2013Bangladesh’s garment industry has been in the news – and the hot seat – lately in light of the Rana Plaza tragedy. Over 1000 lives were lost in the worst indus…
How to Secure Funding for Your Backbone Organization
June 17, 2013“Sounds great, how can I get this funded?”“We’re doing really exciting work in my region, but we’re concerned about sustainability.”“The backbone just doesn’t …