- Foundation Strategy
Embracing an Ecosystem Approach for Philanthropy
Funders are shifting from being at the center of social change efforts to working in close partnership with the…
- Corporate/CSR
Flying through Interference
We believe that corporate changemakers need tools to properly diagnose interference and build enabling conditions for social impact strategies…
Institutional Investor: Where ESG Fails
October 17, 2019A new article on Institutional Investor shares evidence that shared value investing can deliver superior returns by tying social impact to competitive advantag…
Reflections on Impact Investing from the GIIN Forum
October 10, 2019What are currently hot topics in impact investing?
Published in Colombia: the Business of Solving Social Problems
October 8, 2019A version of this blog post was published in Spanish, in the financial newspaper ‘Portafolio’, as part of the special issue on Empresas INspiradoras, which rec…
See How Shared Value Is Taking Off In These 5 Latin American Countries
September 3, 2019What do carpenters turning wood waste into furniture, ex-guerillas making retail sales, and students using digital learning tools have in common? They are all …
Be a “Norms-Maker” If You Aspire to Be Purpose-Led
August 5, 2019Business today is reconnecting with its core purpose of addressing society’s needs in profitable ways. Some companies are forced into rethinking their “reason …
New Primer for Advancing Racial Equity
July 31, 2019Many of us want to live in a world free of race-based discrimination and other forms of inequity.
Companies Across Latin America Embrace Shared Value and Purpose
July 9, 2019Earlier this year, FSG’s Shared Value Initiative hosted the 9th annual Shared Value Leadership Summit in Boston, MA. The Summit brings together a wide array of…
What Is Corporate Purpose? No, Let Me Rephrase That. What Is a Corporate Purpose Worth Having?
May 31, 2019Everyone is talking about purpose these days. Customers and employees are asking about it. Millennials are particularly insistent about seeing evidence of purp…
Colombian Companies Embrace Shared Value to Build Peace
April 22, 2019Over the last couple of years, FSG has supported Colombia’s National Industry Association (ANDI) in its work helping companies address social problems through …
Hospitals are Aspiring to Play a Big Role in Social Change
April 16, 2019I have a greater appreciation for the ambitious and multi-faceted role the hospitals and health systems are playing in advancing health equity after attending …