
- Foundation Strategy
Embracing an Ecosystem Approach for Philanthropy
Funders are shifting from being at the center of social change efforts to working in close partnership with the…

- Corporate/CSR
Flying through Interference
We believe that corporate changemakers need tools to properly diagnose interference and build enabling conditions for social impact strategies…
It is a Happier New Year
January 10, 2011If you are like me, there is a certain amount of depression that comes after the holiday season - its back to life as usual. What I miss most is the heightened…
Leveling Up: Socially Responsible Digital Media
January 10, 2011This week, with business news abuzz about the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show, The Wall Street Journal reported that video game company Nintendo is on the defen…
Redefining Value Chain Productivity in Africa
January 5, 2011Business Action for Africa recently released its 2010 Report on the role of business in meeting Africa’s development challenges.
Biotech and Global Health
January 3, 2011The scarcity of R&D for the developing world is not a new problem. It has been 50 years since we had a new TB drug – because the issue has been addressed in th…
Shared Value & Corporate Reputation
December 23, 2010Today, the BBC News website posted several short vignettes about companies who’ve had a pretty tough year in reputational terms.
Collective Impact Examples from the Field
December 21, 2010With the release of FSG’s article on Collective Impact this month, this seemed like an opportune moment to explore some recent collective impact efforts in edu…
Burning Questions in the NCDs Response
December 20, 2010Last week, my colleague Sebastien shared his thoughts on the global epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and opportunities for pharma companies to pro…
The Future of Microfinance
December 20, 2010Being based in FSG’s newest “outpost” in Mumbai, India, has afforded me opportunities to learn first-hand about issues that we otherwise only read about in the…
The Makings of Catalytic Philanthropy
December 13, 2010In many German cities children with a “Migrationshintergrund”, in other words those with an immigrant background, make up 50% of most classrooms. Evidence, suc…
The Student Voice
December 13, 2010Gabriel, my preschool-aged son, just brought home his very first piece of art in which you can actually tell what he was trying to draw. A gun. Barrel, trigger…