Nestlé has been a long-term proponent of shared value and the concepts underpinning it. Their commitment has been illustrated not only through their core business activities, but also through their transparency and willingness to drive the conversation around shared value in public forums globally.
FSG has had a longstanding partnership with Nestlé in developing the shared value concept. Now, Nestlé is promoting shared value innovation through the Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value. If you are a practitioner working in nutrition, water, or rural development: share with Nestlé the story of your innovative program, an inclusive business or a social enterprise, and you could get the chance to scale up your impact through the prize worth approximately $530,000. This opportunity only comes along every two years. The call for entries for the 2014 Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value is now open through March 31st, 2013.
Check out this video of the 2012 award winner, Fundación Paraguaya de Cooperación y Desarrollo and become inspired by its self-sufficient agricultural school model.
What incentives might drive shared value innovation within your organization?
Nestlé is a member of the leadership council of the Shared Value Initiative.