Please join us on Tuesday, February 12, to hear from leaders in youth development, workforce development, and collective impact about efforts around the US to apply collective impact to support opportunity youth: young adults aged 16-24 that are not enrolled in school or employed.
Collective Impact for Opportunity Youth
February 12, 2013 Noon – 1:00pm ET
Join FSG’s Fay Hanleybrown and The Aspen Forum for Community Solutions’ Executive Director Steve Patrick, in conversation with Adria Steinberg, Vice President, Jobs for the Future, and Stacy Holland, Co-Founder and CEO of the Philadelphia Youth Network, the backbone organization for the country’s leading collective impact effort for Opportunity Youth, Project U-Turn.
This lively discussion will focus on why collective impact is a relevant approach for Opportunity Youth, and what communities can do to launch a collective impact effort to improve outcomes for their local Opportunity Youth.
If you missed it or would like a refresher, read our recent blog A Call for Collective Impact for Opportunity Youth.