When You Can’t Say Equity: Advancing Equity in an Anti-Equity Context

When You Can’t Say Equity: Advancing Equity in an Anti-Equity Context

The Collective Impact Forum is hosting a virtual office hour on how to maintain an equity focus in your collaborative work on August 29 at 12pm ET.

About This Session

In this one-hour session, we will provide a supportive environment to discuss the challenges of advancing equity in contexts where there are direct challenges, answer questions, and provide insights and strategies that we’ve learned are showing promise to continue to advance the work.

Bring your questions and we’ll spend the hour answering as many as we can, and offering guidance drawing from our support of practitioners in community and CI Forum’s research.

Please note that we will not address legal questions and challenges. The conversation will focus on how local community leaders are responding and adapting their strategies in the face of increasing “anti-DEI” pushback and attack.

Office Hour Guests

  • Jennifer Splansky Juster, Executive Director, Collective Impact Forum
  • Cindy Santos, Senior Associate, Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions
  • Paul Schmitz, Senior Advisor, Collective Impact Forum and CEO, Leading Inside Out
  • Junious Williams, Senior Advisor, Collective Impact Forum, and Principal, Junious Williams Consulting, Inc.

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