
We hope to connect with you at an upcoming event.

Upcoming Events

  • Embracing an Ecosystem Approach for Philanthropy


    Join GEO and FSG for an interactive discussion with funders who are advancing community leadership and supporting the capacity of entire ecosystems to create c…

Past Events

  • Novartis Social Business Stakeholder Dialogue 2017

    Basel, Switzerland

    Marc Pfitzer presents shared value at the third Novartis Social Business Stakeholder Dialogue in Basel, Switzerland. The event will be an opportunity to reflec…

  • Festival Bridge Conference 2017

    Bury St. Edmunds

    Flynn Lebus delivers a keynote address and facilitates a workshop on collective impact at the Festival Bridge Conference 2017. Flynn will describe what collect…

  • NASDDDS 2017 Annual Conference

    -Arlington, VA

    FSG Managing Director Ursula Wright gives a keynote presentation on the power of collective impact in education at the National Association of State Directors …

  • Evaluation 2017

    -Washington, DC

    FSG's evaluation team will be presenting the following sessions at the American Evaluation Association Annual conference:

  • AHBS Transforming PPPs for Health in Africa


    Laura Herman gives a presentation on creating shared value at the Africa Health Business Symposium Transforming PPPs for Health in Africa.

  • HKCSS Convention 2017

    Hong Kong

    Marc Pfitzer presents shared value in the "Forces for Good: WiseGiving and Creating Shared Value" panel at the 70th anniversary HKCSS Convention.

  • 2017 Net Impact Conference

    -Atlanta, GA

    Lakshmi Iyer moderates the panel "The Role of Business in Championing Racial Equity" on Saturday, October 26 at the 2017 Net Impact Conference.

  • iNACOL Symposium 2017

    Orlando, FL

    Matt Wilka moderates a panel on the role of networks in seeding and spreading personalized learning and David Phillips moderates a panel discussion on "journey…

  • ETIC and American Express Japan: Collective Impact as a Global Movement


    Philippe Sion presented the latest insights about collective impact done outside the United States at ETIC and American Express Japan: Collective Impact as a G…

  • UNH Social Sector Franchise Innovations Roundtable

    Durham, NH

    Greg Hills gives the keynote presentation "Creating Shared Value" at the UNH Social Sector Franchise Innovations Roundtable, the theme of which is "Moving from…


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