
We hope to connect with you at an upcoming event.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

  • Deepening Community for Collective Impact

    Toronto, Ontario

    On June 14, the Tamarack Institute, hosted by Social Innovation Generation, will be facilitating a exclusive learning opportunity at Victoria University. Deepe…

  • 2016 Collective Impact Convening

    -Seattle, WA

    We invite you to join us at the 2016 Collective Impact Convening, featuring three distinct and aligned convenings about collective impact. Join us for audience…

  • 2016 CECP Summit

    New York City

    The annual CECP Summit brings together more than 250 corporate leaders from the world’s largest companies who drive societal investment strategies. This year’s…

  • Collective Impact Learning Lab: Tools and Techniques for Achieving Results

    -San Francisco, CA

    Sponsored in partnership with The Forum for Youth Investment and the Collective Impact Forum, this hands-on three-day workshop and coaching session is designed…

  • EPIP Bay Area Collaborative Philanthropy Series

    San Francisco, CA

    Collective Impact Forum Director Jennifer Splansky Juster presents Working Toward a Common Vision, part III of the Collaborative Philanthropy Series hosted by …

  • 2016 Shared Value Leadership Summit

    -New York City

    The Shared Value Leadership Summit is the annual “can’t-miss” event for shared value practitioners and others working to change the role of business in society…

  • 100K Opportunities Fair & Forum

    Seattle, WA

    The 100,000 Opportunities Initiative is hosting an opportunity hiring fair, expanding a nationwide effort to connect America’s youth to jobs with top U.S. comp…

  • Sankalp Global Summit 2016

    -Mumbai, India

    Join us at the 8th annual Sankalp Global Summit. As the largest such convening in the emerging markets, the Summit will connect high-impact enterprises with ke…

  • 2016 Shared Value Forum in Melbourne

    Melbourne, Australia

    FSG co-founder and managing director Mark Kramer gives a keynote address at the 2016 Shared Value Forum conference Business: Partnering for Change. This year’s…

  • Veterans Philanthropy Exchange 2016 National Annual Convening

    Washington, DC

    FSG Managing Director Fay Hanleybrown is a panelist in the session “The Metrics of Success—What Do We Know Now?” at the annual Council on Foundations Veterans …


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