News & Press
Fewer Companies Made Sustainability Commitments at Davos. Maybe That’s a Good Thing.
February 6, 2025TriplePundit interviewed Noa Gafni, managing director at FSG and John Harper, CEO of FSG on developing measurable, actionable social impact strategies.
Top CVS medical officer ties shocking lack of ‘health literacy’ for 90 million Americans to crisis of ‘mistrust’
May 21, 2024FSG Managing Director Nikhil Bumb was quoted in this Fortune article about the lack of trust in healthcare institutions.
Want To Ensure DEI Works For Your Company? Have Some Standards.
May 21, 2024Jeff Raikes spotlights the Corporate Racial Equity Alliance's Business Standards for 21st Century Leadership in Forbes.
The Corporate Racial Equity Alliance Launches Public Comment Period for New Business Standards
May 21, 2024Today, the Corporate Racial Equity Alliance published the draft Business Standards for 21st Century Leadership and launched a public comment period.
Advisory firm FSG’s new CEO helps philanthropists stay the course on DEI
February 15, 2024Devex recently profiled FSG's new CEO John Harper on his background and hopes for leading FSG.
“The Essential Link Between ESG Targets & Financial Performance” Earns HBR Prize
April 12, 2023BOSTON, April 12, 2023—FSG is pleased to announce that our article "The Essential Link Between ESG Targets & Financial Performance," by Mark Kramer and Mar…
Ten outcomes and three levers for investors in racial and economic equity
March 21, 2023The Investor Blueprint for Racial and Economic Equity was featured in ImpactAlpha. Published by PolicyLink, CapEQ, and FSG, the Investor Blueprint is a compreh…
A New ‘Blueprint’ for Increasing Equity in Investing—And Why it Matters
March 17, 2023The Investor Blueprint for Racial and Economic Equity was featured in Chief Investment Officer. Published by PolicyLink, CapEQ, and FSG, the Investor Blueprint…
Tweak CSR rules to lift social sector
March 5, 2023Rishi Agarwal has published an OpEd in The Hindu BusinessLine. This article suggests how a tweak in CSR laws could help the government to leverage the markets …
Juneau Economic Development Council 3-1-2023
March 1, 2023FSG Managing Director Nikhil Bumb was interviewed by KINY radio station on the benefits of purpose for businesses, as part of the JEDC Innovation Summit in Ala…