Leveraging Historic Federal Funding: How Do We Collectively Get Ready?
VirtualWe have a historic opportunity to invest in equitable place-based development through a wave of new federal programs.Over the last year, Congress has passed se…
As Reliance, Adani foray into green energy, it’s time for govt power companies to wake up
May 10, 2023India's renewable energy revolution has taken off to a roaring start. In this article for Business Today, Rishi Agarwal explores how this energy transition wil…
Empowering Employees Through Engagement and Leadership: Defining a Strategy for Ares Management Corporation’s Global Philanthropy
May 10, 2023FSG partnered with Ares Charitable Foundation to define an overarching strategy across the firm’s Global Philanthropy efforts.
Key Insights from FORTUNE Brainstorm Health 2023
May 9, 2023FSG Managing Director Nikhil Bumb asks a question during a lunchtime panel at the FORTUNE Brainstorm Health 2023 conference. Photograph by Stuart Isett/Fortun…