A Roadmap for Investors: Investor Blueprint for Racial and Economic Equity
VirtualShumeca Pickett joins PolicyLink and CapEQ in this IDiF webinar to discuss the Investor Blueprint for Racial and Economic Equity, a comprehensive guide for inv…
A case for equity as India bets big on green hydrogen
April 3, 2023Rishi Agarwal has published an OpEd in Business Today. Riding on India’s green hydrogen mission is a never-before opportunity, to assume global market leadersh…
Leveraging Developmental Evaluation for Community Learning
March 23, 2023Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health hired FSG to conduct a developmental evaluation of its grant programs and processes.
New Report Offers Actionable Recommendations for Investors to Advance Racial and Economic Equity
March 22, 2023The Investor Blueprint underscores that equitable investing is the most pragmatic approach to securing long-term profits, a healthy society, and a stable econo…