New Ideas for Developing Great Leaders in Education
June 13, 2012What makes a great leader in the education system today? It’s a question that I’ve considered at different points in my career -- as a consultant at FSG, certa…
Measuring Shared Value – The Cart Before the Horse?
June 13, 2012This post originally appeared on CECP's blog.If you don’t fully understand the concept of “shared value,” I can assure you you’re not alone.
Is This the Decade of Collaborative Philanthropy?
June 12, 2012In his Spring 2012 Stanford Social Innovation Review column on “A Decade of Outcome-Oriented Philanthropy,” Paul Brest, the outgoing president of the William a…
Sticker Shock at the Mailbox
June 11, 2012“You have GOT to be kidding me!” I muttered, as I juggled my cell phone, grocery bag, purse, and bike helmet to open the medical bill that just arrived in my m…