More Shared Measurement Questions Answered – Part 2
February 6, 2012In November 2011, FSG conducted a webinar to discuss Shared Measurement in Collective Impact (CI). During that webinar, FSG received over 150 questions from p…
Shared Value & Social Enterprise: A Match Made in Heaven
February 6, 2012There are many reasons why large corporations are challenged to capitalize on shared value opportunities. One that is frequently cited is the inability to look…
Reflections on Teaching in India
February 6, 2012As a ‘Teach for India’ fellow, I have witnessed first-hand the immense challenges associated with teaching in a resource-poor environment, having taught two 2n…
Catalytic Philanthropy in India
February 1, 2012By studying the impact of India's leading philanthropists, effective practices in social change emerge and can be replicated. The burgeoning philanthropy marke…