Create Shared Value with a Trampoline Approach
November 21, 2011This post is part of the HBR series of blog posts by and about the new generation of purpose-driven leaders. Too often companies approach their engagement with…
Help Wanted: Dynamic Backbone Leader
November 16, 2011Over the past few months, I’ve been working with two separate collective impact efforts to think through a critical question: what human capital is needed to l…
The Other Kind of Impact Investing
November 15, 2011Interest in impact investing has taken off in the last year, reaching a whole new level. Among all this good news, however, are we losing sight of the full ran…
How Can We Treat More Than 0.5% of MDR-TB?
November 14, 2011As I prepared to go to the annual tuberculosis (TB) Union meeting in October, friends and colleagues mentioned that they had heard the good news about TB, that…