How Do Small and Mid-sized Businesses Create Shared Value?
August 31, 2011A colleague and I were recently invited to talk about shared value with members of the Entrepreneurs Foundation in the San Francisco Bay Area. Though we had a …
Shared Value Through the Looking Glass
August 29, 2011The concept of Creating Shared Value has been met with great enthusiasm and support. Witness the success of our Shared Value Summit and coverage in the New Yor…
Inspiration and Impact on Staten Island
August 29, 2011FSG has been working with a group of stakeholders on Staten Island to design a collective impact approach to fight youth alcohol and prescription drug abuse. A…
Teaching Sprinters to Run Marathons
August 23, 2011At FSG, we often hear from firms who buy into the shared value idea and who see its potential, but are wrestling with how to turn that from a well-meaning HQ-l…