A Real Breakthrough
July 6, 2011When asked for a simple way to think about performance measurement, I usually respond that there are two basic approaches. Setting clear goals and tracking you…
Can 4th Graders Save the World?
July 5, 2011Like many of you, I'm a big fan of TED. As part of my research for my series on creativity and education, I came across musician and teacher John Hunter and th…
Where is the Prius of DVRs?
June 30, 2011The DVR is a fantastic invention. I’ll admit that I have three DVRs in my house and they have transformed how and when my family watches TV. Imagine my alarm w…
June 29, 2011A few weeks ago, I (along with three other FSGers) had the privilege of attending the Global Health Council’s 38th Annual Conference in D.C. This year’s confer…