Collective Impact Examples from the Field
December 21, 2010With the release of FSG’s article on Collective Impact this month, this seemed like an opportune moment to explore some recent collective impact efforts in edu…
The Future of Microfinance
December 20, 2010Being based in FSG’s newest “outpost” in Mumbai, India, has afforded me opportunities to learn first-hand about issues that we otherwise only read about in the…
Burning Questions in the NCDs Response
December 20, 2010Last week, my colleague Sebastien shared his thoughts on the global epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and opportunities for pharma companies to pro…
Noncommunicable Diseases, Access, and the Pharmaceutical Industry
December 13, 2010Hypertension. Cancer. Diabetes. COPD. Those are all non-communicable diseases (NCDs) traditionally depicted as the privilege of wealthy societies basking in th…