Advancing Strategy
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Implementing a CSR or corporate foundation strategy may be even harder than developing it. Our learning brief provides best practices and tools to help corporate foundation and CSR leaders advance their strategy. Learn how to overcome common obstacles by applying structured, data-driven processes that transform your corporate societal engagement portfolio.

A companion to Simplifying Strategy and developed in partnership with CECP, this brief outlines key design steps that leaders and teams can take to advance their initial strategy choices.

Top Takeaways

  1. Designing a signature initiative: Through a structured design process, companies can shift from generosity in philanthropic giving to setting and achieving specific societal impact goals aligned with the business.
  2. Transforming local giving: Companies can better meet their objectives by evolving from local giving constrained by headquarters’ priorities to local giving that reflects local business needs and context.
  3. Building team capacity and executive buy-in: Advancing strategy typically requires adapting the team’s capacity and ensuring executive leaders understand and support the strategic objectives.
Our engagement with local stakeholders and partners enhanced our understanding of how the GE Foundation can best collaborate with existing actors and deeply influenced our ultimate program design choices focused on improving patient outcomes.

Jennifer Edwards, Director, Developing Health US, GE Foundation




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