Ahead of the Curve
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FSG’s Kyle Peterson previews Ahead of the Curve.

International NGOs (INGOs) have a unique and important role to play in addressing today’s complex global challenges, but few of them are living up to their full potential. With support from the Hewlett Foundation, FSG researched how the most innovative INGOs are adapting to the disruptions in the global development sector and embracing 4 approaches to create greater impact.

Top Takeaways

  1. INGOs have unique assets that can turn today’s disruptions into opportunities for the future.
  2. The INGO of the future will increasingly solve problems through others, separating the notion of expanded impact from an expanded physical footprint.
  3. INGOs can play an important role developing long-term, multisector collaborations that focus on scalable, sustainable solutions.
The INGO of the future can build on its track record of implementation and achieve more sustainable and scaled impact by influencing systems change, engaging corporations as shared value partners, and leading coalitions between sectors. Adoption requires focus on the operational elements that enable INGOs to move in this direction.



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