The Turning Point: Prepare Now to Respond Better

Harnessing the power of influenza and COVID-19 vaccination in low- and middle-income countries to bolster adult vaccination and respond to the next pandemic

The Turning Point: Prepare Now to Respond Better
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Early in 2021, Ready2Respond conducted an extensive mapping of the current landscape of organizations and agencies working on global seasonal and pandemic vaccine preparedness. Performed during the COVID-19 vaccination deployment efforts, this research identifies key areas which may have contributed to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) not prioritizing seasonal influenza vaccination, or utilizing influenza vaccination programming as a blueprint for pandemic vaccine deployment preparedness despite a sustained WHO recommendation. This report provides recommendations for shoring up readiness to future respiratory pandemics, while elevating influenza preparedness as a public health priority in LMICs.

Top Takeaways

  • The case for investing in influenza vaccination programming is unclear at the country level.
  • Despite positive outcomes regarding new vaccine technologies, COVID-19 revealed significant gaps in vaccine programming which in turn has driven access and deployment inequities across geographies.
  • Seasonal influenza as a blueprint for pandemic preparedness is not clearly understood and has been challenged by COVID-19.

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